Listing, Searching and Managing Orders
In order to manage your Digital Certificate orders, you need to search for them from your Control Panel with Dinsol.Co.In, and access their Order Details view. To do so, follow the simple steps mentioned below -
1. Login to your Control Panel
Resellers do so from;
Customers do so from
2. Once logged in to your Control Panel,
Resellers, go to Products -> Search -> Digital Certificate Search
Customers, go to Digital Certificate -> List/Search
and search for the Domain name for which this product has been purchased. (To list all orders, leave all search parameters blank and select the Order Date as All).
3. In the next page you would see a list of all Domain Names for whom you have ordered a Digital Certificate through
Clicking on any of the Domain names would take you to the Order details view for the product, where you can manage this order.